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BR-DGE Unleashes White-Label Payment Orchestration Modular Solution


Edinburgh, 10 July 2024: Breakthrough payment orchestration provider BR-DGE has today announced the launch of its white-label payment orchestration solution, which is set to propel payment acquirers, gateways, platforms and other ecosystem players with agile and customisable modular tech to stand out in a fiercely competitive market. 

As an independently-owned, vendor-agnostic payment orchestrator, BR-DGE’s white-label solution empowers clients with a truly customisable 360-degree tech stack. Payment players now have the freedom to choose from a wide array of new services, combining the best components of their own offerings with BR-DGE’s modular payment connectivity, routing, tokenisation and data reporting capabilities. They can also integrate standalone modules to meet their business needs, all within their own branding, through a single integration, without compromising any regulatory or industry mandates. 

Standing ready to address a multitude of use cases, BR-DGE’S white-label solution can help acquirers to widen their international reach, access targeted volumes, and pass on lower-priority volumes to specialist acquirers. This enables acquirers to give their merchants an optimal stack that reduces friction for their end customers, and lets them pay the way they want to. For platform providers, the solution can remove barriers to scale, as they can win new business without adding friction to checkout processes, and won’t need to change from their existing provider or deal with the hassle of doing integrations themselves.  

With this unparalleled ability to customise offerings and unlock retention, businesses can fully own their customer relationships through modular technology that flexes and scales according to their needs. This enables them to enter new markets and consolidate their positions domestically. 

With its extensive experience of servicing high-volume enterprise merchants with core infrastructure, BR-DGE has launched its white-label solution in response to the fast-growing challenges facing payment providers, many of which are managing legacy tech stacks and want to integrate new services, keep up with market innovation, and strengthen merchant retention through services that keep up with consumer demand. Additionally, providers are seeking easier and quicker ways to stay on top of the compliance demands of regulations and standards such as PCI DSS, 3DS, and the forthcoming PSD3 amongst others.   

In a crowded competitor landscape, merchant demand is growing for more modular payment choices and value-added services through multiple providers. However, more services mean more integrations to manage, adding to payment providers’ operational burdens. BR-DGE’s white-label offering helps PSPs, acquirers, aggregators and e-commerce marketplaces to bypass these complexities, manage multiple relationships and meet fast-changing customer expectations for more diverse payment options, all through one connection, without the need to end existing relationships or contracts. It also eliminates the need for providers to incur the vast expense and time required to build their own tech stacks.  

With an emerging large order book already in the pipeline, BR-DGE is positioned to become the go-to source and distribution outlet for payments connectivity, routing, and data services. 

BR-DGE’s range of standalone, modular products (Connect, Vault, Optimise, Insights) work in harmony behind the scenes to give acquirers, platforms, and gateways access to the latest technology. Now, made available on a white-label basis, these products can be quickly packaged by payment providers and branded as their own to give their merchants future-proof technology, routing freedom for higher authorisations, and other value-added services in a seamless fashion. 

  • Connect offers access to over 100 payment providers and 300 payment methods including Visa Instalments, fraud management offerings, and a customisable checkout for providers’ end merchants. Where providers have multiple entry points into their platform, BR-DGE consolidates these into a single-entry point, and can also manage onboarding on their behalf. 
  • Optimise dynamically routes transactions to the optimal endpoint, enabling multi-acquirer strategies to boost authorisation rates, and gives acquirers the choice to take just the transactions they want. All transaction routing is via PCI DSS Level 1 encryption, and BR-DGE can provide routing-as-a-service as a standalone module. 
  • With Vault, BR-DGE can provide PCI-compliant network and gateway tokenisation, storing and protecting payment data and avoiding supplier lock-in. This ensures all the benefits of hybrid tokenisation can be realised regardless of payment providers having different levels of readiness across their platforms. 
  • BR-DGE can not only plug existing tech gaps with future-proof and customisable solutions, but also pulls in the best features of the payment ecosystem, simplifying access to a wide selection of acquirers, PSPs and new payment methods as they emerge – all through a single integration with BR-DGE. 

Thomas Gillan, CEO of BR-DGE, says: “BR-DGE was built to address payments pain and to be a technology anchor-point in a fast-changing and complex landscape where multiple acquiring relationships are the norm. Our success in fixing tech issues across the payment ecosystem proved to us that there is urgent demand for a white-label solution that lets payment providers and merchants pick and plug in individual payment and service options without having to change their existing relationships. Payment providers, who are already struggling to remain relevant and differentiate from competitors, can now use our white-label payment orchestration solution to seamlessly integrate with their existing infrastructure, adapt to growing transaction volumes, and meet diverse merchant and customer needs across multiple industries and regions. 

“Being completely independent and vendor-agnostic means we are trusted by a strong enterprise customer base to deliver best-in-market technology to suit the unique and divergent needs of businesses, wherever they are in the payments value chain. That’s why we’ve created a real 360-degree offering that enables them to customise, compete and own the customer via cutting edge technology in an increasingly modular and fragmented payments landscape – all through one simple integration and entry point with BR-DGE.”  

Bringing together over 400 payment technology solutions in one place, BR-DGE works as an independent, trusted partner for the whole ecosystem, creating value and driving better outcomes for payment providers, their merchants and consumers.  

After breaking its revenue record in 2023 with an incredible 600% growth, the launch of BR-DGE’s white-label payment orchestration solution adds to the impressive momentum BR-DGE has built so far in 2024, including its expansion into the Asia-Pacific region. In addition to new partnerships with Trustly, Kount and PayPal, in January this year BR-DGE forged a strategic alliance with Discover Global Network, enabling BR-DGE’s merchants to access the world’s fastest growing global payments network and support Discover’s strong global acceptance trajectory, currently sitting at 70 million merchant acceptance points.  


About BR-DGE:  

Founded in Edinburgh in 2018, BR-DGE is a global payment orchestration platform. As an entirely independent technology provider, BR-DGE is redefining the ecosystem, to deliver value through the entire payments chain. 

By serving as a technology anchor-point, BR-DGE enables enterprise merchants, financial institutions, platforms and payment providers to access best-in-class payment tools and products via a single integration. BR-DGE’s modular platform connects with over 400 payment methods and partner solutions, including Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Discover, Thunes, Trustly, Kount and more, to help clients overcome payment challenges and drive better customer and commercial outcomes for their business. 

In 2023, BR-DGE was the first platform to go live with Visa Instalments with a UK merchant and launched BR-DGE Vault, its proprietary, standalone Network Tokenisation solution. 

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