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Should acquirers become payment orchestrators?


Enterprise merchants are moving to a multi-acquirer approach to give them the capabilities and control they need to deliver against consumer expectations. However, they still expect cutting edge technology offerings from legacy payment providers who are struggling to keep up. Payment orchestration offers a strong answer to this issue.

Acquirers and payment providers have traditionally considered payment orchestrators to be a competitive threat. However, many are now exploring the idea of using orchestration themselves to modernise their technology, and directly offer greater flexibility and value to their merchants. Orchestration can offer acquirers a way to secure competitive edge and adopt technology that drives business growth. Could acquirer-offered orchestration be the key to redefining how the merchant payments ecosystem works?

Dive into our expert-led discussion and gain invaluable insights and learn how to unlock business growth:

  • The Evolution of the Acquiring and PSP Landscape: Understand the shifts and trends shaping the industry.
  • Gaining a Competitive Edge: Discover how payment orchestration empowers acquirers and payment providers to secure
    a competitive edge.
  • Accelerating Time to Market: Learn from real-world case studies that demonstrate successful implementation and rapid

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