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PCI-compliant centralised tokenisation

As PCI compliance grows more complex, orchestration layers and tokenisation services help you reduce compliance challenges and remove reliance on a single payment processor.

BR-DGE Vault is a secure, PCI-compliant tokenisation solution that combines token types and services, harmonising them into a single service.

BR-DGE Vault supports both gateway and network tokens, offering a more flexible approach to tokenisation.

Adjust your vaulting strategy, manage sensitive payment data, avoid supplier lock-in, and eliminate routing restrictions caused by other forms of tokenisation.

Supports Visa and Mastercard, with other schemes to follow ​

Supports existing processor and other tokenisation services

Provides failover in case a processor has an interruption in service

All sensitive data is stored securely and in compliance with relevant standards ​

Available standalone or as part of the BR-DGE orchestration service

Keeps credentials up to date as expired cards are replaced

Tokenise all sensitive payment credentials according to your configuration and replace the complexity of managing multiple gateway and network tokens by using a single BR-DGE token.

Remove the risk exposure of storing your own tokens and seamlessly import pre-existing sensitive card data into BR-DGE Vault.

Available as a standalone service, integrated into your existing payment flows or configured as part of the overall BR-DGE offering.

Support interoperability by combining tokens behind a single BR-DGE token

Remove existing PCI exposure by moving sensitive data to the secure BR-DGE Vault ​

Reduce impact of processor and acquirer outages by directing card-on-file traffic to any linked processor

Boost resilience with failover options to avoid a single point of failure ​

Gain flexibility to use the mix of network and gateway tokens as needed

Improve authorisation rates with multiple processors by ensuring that card-on-file credentials are always up to date

Ready to enhance your payment security with BR-DGE Vault?

The BR-DGE payment orchestration platform has extensive capabilities from real-time data reporting to an extensive routing engine, network tokenisation services and access to over 400 connections across the entire payments ecosystem.

Accessed via a single API connection, BR-DGE Vault enables you to implement strong data security practices, combine token types, create an uplift in authorisation rates and protect against increasing scheme fees. Contact our team to discuss your organisation’s unique requirements.


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